Geriatric/Disability Care Issues

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015
Time: 11:45am - 1:30pm
Location: Palmetto Club
Speaker: Mary Katherine Bagnal / Matt Mazur

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Join us at The Palmetto Club (1231 Sumter Street, Columbia) for informative presentations related to elder care.

Mary Katherine Bagnal, Chief Executive Officer for Senior Matters and One Matters.  She has provided professional geriatric and/or disability care management for 17 years across the State of South Carolina.  Ms. Bagnal was a Commissioner appointed by Governor Sanford to the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs Board.  Her topic will be explore signs of physical, emotional and financial abuse and neglect of the elderly and the handicapped. 


Matt Mazur, of Regional Marketing Director for Lincoln Financial Group.  He helps financial advisors enhance their client relationships through long-term care funding strategies.  Matt studied accounting at Villanova University. 


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